I've been writing on this blog for over two years now but I'm not really sure what I'm doing with it. It's effectively turned into a place for me to dump my thoughts on specific big games I've been playing, but even those posts aren't necessarily that deep. I'm not doing much in the way of critiquing and they aren't really that effective as reviews, so what exactly am I doing? What should I be doing?
I feel like I should be writing something with a bit more substance but I just don't know that I'm, frankly, an inquisitive or creative enough person to come up with things to write about. What I've been doing is easy, and doing something harder is, well, harder. I enjoy the act of writing so I'm not going to stop doing what I've been doing (I enjoy this) but I suppose I just wanted to air out some of my feelings. I'm at a bit of a crossroads in my life (this blog is only one incredibly small part of that) and it can feel paralyzing when you aren't sure what direction to take.
If anyone reading this has any opinions on what you'd like to see me use
this space for, let me know. Do you want more stuff like that "That Feeling of Discovery..." piece I wrote a while back? Do you want me to share my thoughts on news and current events, like I did with the "The (Imminent) Death of the eShop"? Do you want me to write about more new releases, or are you fine with just the monthly updates for most of that stuff? Heck, if you're fine with reading what I put out as-is let me know about that, too. I truly have no idea
what, if any, the audience for the stuff I write is. When I look at this blog's stats I can see that some of these posts are getting at least a few views, but maybe those are just bots and there aren't any real people seeing this stuff. I honestly have no idea.
I'm largely writing for myself so I have a record of the-things-I-did-when-I-did-them, but if there's even one person out there who likes what I'm doing (or has any feedback) it'd be nice to hear from them.
What you post right now is good.